Thursday, 22 December 2011


Goodness knows why this didn't show up first time but here it is!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Merry Christmas

So we like squeezing up the side of the shed. Ha ha, the human can't get us here! Wait, can she still take photos of us here?!?!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

So it's been a pretty uneventful month, although the baby keeps the human v busy, we've been keeping up to date with everyone's online antics! So a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR BUNNY BLOG FRIENDS!!!

B&B had their myxy vacs last week, and were both very good for the vet (no repeat of Bella's pee flicking!). The kale we grew is still going very strong, much to the bunnies delight! Unfortunately all the leaves are now gone from their favourite grape vine, but we planted a new apple tree so they can have some branches next year (and will save us from "borrowing" apple branches from the community orchard in the village.)

There is a rumour that the human's mother has grown some purple Brussel sprouts for Christmas dinner... Human and rabbit dinner that is! Buttons and Bella can't wait!