Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Buttons vs the grass


  1. Sage asks : Buttons, is it hawd being dat cute ALL da time?? Scout bunny (ATB) used to kvetch (I learnt dat word from my fwiend Sheeba) about hoomans going "awwwww.." ober her ALL DA TIME. She would flick pooties at our humum when she did dat.

    What do you do?

  2. *squee*

    That blade of grass over his little nose just gets me. :)

  3. Buttons if you ever want to go on vacation to Oklahoma, you can stay at my house!

  4. I love the way he eats a bit, pauses with it hanging from his mouth, noms a bit more, pause, bit more... etc!

  5. so adorable, I love the way his little nose twitches...

    Thanks for your comment on my blog about Zero Waste Week, your chickens must be very useful for eating food scraps!
