Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The sofa

Bella has now worked out how to jump up onto the sofa. It's taken her a while, but she's loving it. Now we know she can jump that high we're struggling to come up with high barriers to stop her going into forbidden areas!

When Buttons and Bella are on the sofa together they do loads of crazy fast running and jumping, which is hilarious and I was trying to capture in this video. Sorry it goes on a litte (5 mins!), but every time I turned away they did something video-worthy, and I spent a lot of time trying to get them doing anything. There is also some cute flopping out by Buttons, just to demonstrate how much he loves the sofa... so worth waiting for!


  1. It is quite clear whose sofa it is now....so cute, every second video worthy!!

  2. Adorable! I loved Button's flop and Bella listening to the tv, too funny!

  3. Hee, love the different approaches to the matter: Bella is the explorer, while Buttons is content to lounge a bit and let his missus check everything out for him. :)

  4. I still can't jump up to the sofa, but mommy will put me up there anyway, just so I can see. But, honestly, when I'm up there, all I want to do is get down.

  5. How funny! The Sogna mastered the same trick, like, within the past week!!! We'd caught her up there once or twice before, but my buns have always seemed to be under the impression that they're not allwoedo n the couch. now Sogna is glued to it.

  6. That is definitely the big and the little of it!

  7. It's so much fun to see the contrast of how they react to things, and their sweet interactions. They are truly adorable!
