Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Question for bun-xperts

Should bunnies eat banana skin? Bella seemed to think so when I found her nosing through my breakfast this morning, but I am not so sure. Worried now.


  1. I doubt a little bite will hurt her. The skin on fruit holds the major amount of nutrients but the problem is bananas and other fruit are sprayed with sulphites which is a chemical so unless you know something is organic or you grow it yourself, I would avoid letting them eat the skins.

  2. Not sure, but I agree with what Christina said.
    xx, shell

  3. Gus and Betsy have, on occasion, managed to tip over and pull down the contents of a bowl of fruit we foolishly left too low to the ground. They ate the banana that was in the bowl - skin and all. They seem no worse for wear.

    Even if the banana did have chemicals sprayed on the skin, I imagine the concentration (from eating just one banana) would be too low for there to be any effect, especially in a normal, healthy bun.

  4. I think humans are the only animal that peel a banana before eating it :) So I agree, fine for bunnies, probably better than the fruit part, but give them a wash first like you would with fruit you eat the skin of normally eg apples.

  5. A few bites won't hurt her, but it's not something I would give to her on a regular basis just to be on the safe side. Too much skin could have the same effect as too much banana. I would wash the skins in future, though, just in case she gets at them again.

  6. Thanks everyone, sound advice as uusual... Where would I be without my bunny blogger friends:-)

    I'm going to remember to keep my breakfast leftovers out of reach in future, and worry a little less. Bella has of course been her usual naughty self all day so clearly the little banana skin she ate did no harm!
