Saturday, 6 July 2013

Inside is cooler

We are finally getting some summer sun and Buttons' moulting couldn't have happened at a better time! Its 29celcius today!

Buttons snuck inside to watch the tennis with me while the crazy toddler hurricane was napping!

 "come on Andy Murray!"

"The view from here is almost as good as Royal box seats at Centre Court..."


  1. Aww.. such a cutie pie Buttons is.

    I think its very nice of him to let you and the family live in his house. ;)

  2. ha ha! he is totally adorable :)

  3. Indoors is always better when there's a good tennis match on the telly (and the small ones are napping...) :)

  4. Yup cooler is so right Speedy is only going out in the mornings mainly he's not keen the rest of the time but I don't blame him who would want to go out in the sun with a fur coat on? not me!
    Come Andy Murry You can do it!!!!!and with the bunnies support behind you too!You can do it!
    Buttons is so adorable and cute... :)
    xx Rachel and Speedy

  5. Oh Buttons, you look so cute! i just hope you don't find Andy Murray's final too stressful!

  6. Perfect seating. Did the maid take good care of you too?
