Sunday, 10 October 2010

Picky eater


  1. Maybe late season dandies are more bitter....

  2. LOL.. I love how he turns his nose up!

    I find Sage will eat things I leave behind a lot faster than if I try to hand feed. But then, my Dutch Diva IS a little persnickity.. :)

  3. Mickey's as picky a bun as they come; getting him to try new stuff is a chore, although he would have snarfed up the dandelion in a second.

  4. Awww, He's camera shy!! Some people (and bunny people) don't like to eat when they're being watched.

    Wish I could feed my buns nice dandie flowers. I don't trust anyone's fertilizer, or herbicides, or the pesticides they spray aerially in the summer.
