Friday, 19 December 2014

Little Toothy Visitors

No, not elves or tooth fairies!

Buttons has temporary visitors to share his room for a week... Whiskey and Guiness the gerbils are staying for Christmas, as their owner, my friend who often looks after Buttons when we travel, has gone home to Austria for Christmas. 

He's not impressed that they have invaded his room 😉

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Christmas decorating not so well

So I saw this amazing thing on Pinterest... Making a paper tree just with one sheet of paper and a few clever snips! Easy huh?

Yeah, well here was what happened:

But Buttons put it to great use!

Hours of amusement

And tasty too!

Friday, 28 November 2014


So what if this leaf is bigger than me! I will not be defeated. 

Friday, 14 November 2014

Take over

I went downstairs for fifteen minutes to make a sandwich and a drink and he's usurped me!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

World's worst office assistant

I asked Buttons to shred my recycling pile... He did not oblige... Apparently he was too tired to work today!

Monday, 4 August 2014

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Settling in

So only 7 months after moving into the new house (!) I've started to settle in properly to MY room. For a while it has been Buttons' room with a table and  boxes of files and papers in the corner making my "office".

Now I have a lovely new desk and filing cabinet and even some art for my wall (courtesy of the very talented Annette at the Leveret's nest).  Once i sort out some shelves and file away the files and papers it may actually look like an office (with a rabbit (and a hare) in it)!

You need a closer look at Annette's work of course

Buttons, unimpressed by my removal efforts went to hide on pull out the guest bed!

Elsewhere, Buttons has been enjoying the World Cup.

Here he is putting his feet up on the sofa while England did their usual (poor) opening performance... 
And a little half time scrub up and massage!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


If I sit here staring at the empty food bowl long enough, someone is going to get the message and feed me right?

Friday, 25 April 2014

Busy at work

Recycling envelopes, bunny style! The best office assistant in the world.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Comfortable? Really?

This bunny has a massive space and then he likes to sit in the tiny smooshed up corner... Strange

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Less grumpy

The vet is happy with Buttons' recovery

He said "I wasn't grumpy until you disturbed my nap with your camera" hmmpf

Friday, 7 February 2014


Grumpy bun somehow managed to scratch his eye and is not happy about the antibiotic eye drops he now has to endure twice daily. 

He's really not pulling his weight around the office either!