Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Cute Unltd!

Skittles seems to have grown bored of grooming Buttons, and has started to instead to groom his toy bunny!
He tries to act all tough, but clearly he's a big softie, and still a baby (7 months next week!).


  1. silly! the toy bunny won't groom you back!
    We like your blog, you two are very cute and I hope you get into lots of trouble!

  2. My Emily does the same thing, just too cute when they do that. :)

  3. Aw thanks for the comments... I think my bunnies are the cutest! And thanks for the praise for our blog Fez.

  4. Oh Skittles, you remind me of good things past. I love looking at you. Keep grooming that baby.
