Friday, 4 June 2010

Excuse me!

Of all the space there is to sit, these two seem to like to sit practically on top of each other! Buttons does not look so comfortable, squished between Skittles and the wall!


  1. *dies laughing*

    Oh, the look on Buttons' face is priceless--I can just imagine the conversation...

    "Dude! NOT cool."

    "Sorry, man, must have been the radish greens I had last night."

  2. What a couple of characters!

  3. I wish I had gotten a pair of rabbits rather than one. I think having two would be very entertaining.

  4. Not only squished, but Buttons doesn't seem to have gotten the "good" end either!

  5. poor Buttons, I'm sure he'll get his own back soon enough though!

  6. We do that too!!! It's really the best way. We bunnies like to squish together. Actually, Jon got a picture of Sogna literally sitting on top of Biff last week. Even funnier that Biff's facial expression doesn't indicate one iota of annoyance or discomfort.
